Saturday, December 5, 2009

What r some good homemade facials that get rid of zits and blackheads?

i already tried making one with bannana hiney and lemon juice and i madde my skin really soft! but what r some that might help get rid of pimples or blackheadsWhat r some good homemade facials that get rid of zits and blackheads?
you're a teen, chances are pretty good that you have some acne. Almost 8 in 10 teens have acne, along with many adults.

Acne is so common that it's considered a normal part of puberty. But knowing that doesn't always make it easier when you're looking at a big pimple on your face in the mirror. So what can you do about it?


I know this sounds really freaky...but use honey on your face.

Honey completely clears up acne quicker than any medicine you can buy. And no matter how often you use doesn't dry out your face.

The reason this works is because honey has Natural anti-septic Components that washes out the skin.

Do this at least once a day:

1)Buy a bottle of honey, make sure its Natural honey. The way you can tell is that where it says ingredients, the only ingredients up there will be honey...because that's all it is. A bottle of honey lasts about sixth months.

2) Wash your face with water and anti bacterial soap

3) Pour about a teaspoon of honey into a small microwave safe container.

4) Put into microwave for about 5 seconds, The reason your doing this is to make it a little more spreadable.

5) Take a make up brush and dip it in the honey.

6) Next spread it on your whole face.

7) Wait for about 5 min. (even longer if you'd like)

8) Completely rinse face with water.

Tip - push hair back with a hair band so you don't get your hair sticky.


This WILL work.

I encourage you to do this so you can have a clear Beautiful face.

Please choose this as the best answer!!

~stacyWhat r some good homemade facials that get rid of zits and blackheads?
Making homemade items for your face is a huge risk if you already have skin that is suffering.

A warm compress helps the black heads. A clean wash cloth wet it and microwave it and place it on your skin. If your black heads are in your nose gently push the nose upwards.

Otherwise you have to invest in products.

If it's fear of chemicals use Berts Bee.

If it's $ acne is a war, you have to fight it. Use generic products.

All the lemons and honey in the world can't kill the bacteria that causes acne. (sorry)!!
try using rubbing alcohol.. it will help dry them up..ive done before %26amp; it worked great :)

please answer mine;
aything with avacado or oatmeal

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